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Request for Proposal - One-Stop Operator Monitoring Procurement

Writer: Kira LivingstonKira Livingston


Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board is seeking an independent consultant to conduct One-Stop Operator monitoring of the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area. The Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD) is the current One-Stop Operator. The scope of the monitoring will be limited to the role of the One-Stop Operator during the PY2018, PY2019, PY2020 and PY2021 years.


Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Department of Labor (DOL) published Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) WIOA NO. 15-16. The Letter describes the groundwork for the One-Stop Operator selection process. In addition to the selection process, TEGL 15-16 requires Local Workforce Boards to conduct oversight and monitoring of its One-Stop Operator. The Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board (CAWDB) has chosen to procure an independent consultant in order to conduct the monitoring process.

Responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) should be submitted electronically to the chair of the CAWDB at in a pdf format. Proposals will be transferred to members of the CAWDB’s One-Stop Monitoring Committee who will then open, evaluate, and select an independent consultant to conduct the One-Stop Operator monitoring process.

The successful bidder will have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in WIOA One-Stop Operator as well monitoring practices and procedures. The CAWDB reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. A contract for the accepted proposal will be based upon the factors described in this RFP. The CAWDB reserves the right to select a provider that is the lowest and best bid with experience and knowledge of the One-Stop Operator function under WIOA as a primary factor for this monitoring.

Questions regarding this Request for Proposal should be emailed to Michele Allgood at or via phone 501-688-8874.

Proposal Requirements:

  • Proposals must be received by the deadline: May 23, 2022 at 4:00 pm. Proposals should be e-mailed to the chair of the CAWDB at In addition, the subject line should be “CAWDB RFP, CONFIDENTIAL PROPOSAL.”

  • Proposals must include a dollar amount bid for monitoring services.

  • Proposals must include entity/company/individual’s qualifications and relevant experience regarding One- Stop Operator Monitoring. In addition, please list previous and/or similarly completed projects.

  • Proposals must include an explanation of the entity/company/individual’s understanding of a One-Stop Operator’s role under WIOA.

  • Proposals must include acknowledgement that the entity will adhere to the roles/responsibilities set forth in this Request for Proposal Package.

  • Proposals must include entity/company/individual name, address, and phone number. In addition, the proposal must designate an individual who will serve as its point of contact, including that person’s phone number and email address.

  • Failure to comply with any of the proposal requirements may result in a disqualified proposal.

Monitor Roles/Responsibilities:

  • Conduct One-Stop Operator monitoring using the appropriate monitoring tool. Consultant must use the relevant/approved State monitoring tool used by the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services.

  • On-site review of actual files, policies, procedures, customer observation, operations observation, interviews of key managers and staff.

  • Conduct the monitoring within the timeframe.

  • Develop a final monitoring report that clearly states which documents were reviewed, who was interviewed, and the final results from the monitoring process.

  • Must submit an attestation that it has examined compliance with the requirements of WIOA, the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR part 200 and 2 CFR part 2900, and the terms and condition of the contract/agreement with the one-stop operator.

  • Provide copies of the final report to the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board as well as the Central Arkansas Planning and Development District.

  • Follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, policies, and customs.

  • Maintain confidentiality of information that are, or may be, deemed confidential or sensitive information.

Project Steps:

· Receive notice of award

· Submit any questions

· Sign contract

· Meet with the CAPDD to conduct an entrance interview

· Use the Monitoring appropriate monitoring tool to complete the monitoring process

· Develop a final report

· Submit final report to the CAWDB and CAPDD


Task Complete By:

  1. April 10 & 13, 2022 - Request for Proposals advertisement

  2. May 9, 2022 - Deadline for submitting questions. All questions must be submitted by 4:00 pm CST and sent to Answers will be posted on the website

  3. May 16, 2022 - Answers to all questions will be posted on the website.

  4. May 23, 2022 - Request for Proposal submission deadline

  5. May 31, 2022 - Committee reviews proposals and makes a selection

  6. June 1, 2022 - Consultant is notified of award

  7. June 3, 2022 - Consultant signs and submits contract

  8. June 20, 2022 - Consultant conducts entrance interview

  9. June 20 – July 1, 2022 - Consultant conducts monitoring review process

  10. July 15, 2022 - Consultant submits final report (with attestation) to CAWDB and CAPDD


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